My Mindfulness Toolkit
Updated: Aug 6, 2022
We can't stop the waves, but we can learn how to swim, surf and sail.

"It is your mind, rather than circumstances themselves, that determines the quality of your life."
- Sam Harris, Waking Up
Mindfulness is something I truly didn't learn how to do until I became a mama.
Interestingly enough, mindfulness is not a passive action. It is a deliberate and intentional practice to bring ease back into your mind, body and life.
I've found that my Mindfulness Toolkit has evolved over the years and pivots seasonally as my needs and wants change.
I define a Mindfulness Toolkit as all the unique tools and practices needed to bring peace, presence and more love into my mind, body and soul.
As I sit here at our kitchen island, attempting to focus on writing this blog post, my daughter climbs on the stool next to me asking me ALL the questions. She opens my journal sitting next to my laptop and pages through asking what all my writing and doodles mean.
This is one tiny example of why a mindfulness toolkit is so needed in my days, because...
plans don't always go as predicted, chaos arrives when least expected, and life circumstances can change at any given moment.
Here is a list of what's included in My Mindfulness Toolkit in this season of life.
A guided planner: A place to brain dump my values, dreams, goals, daily wins and to have an aerial view of my life amongst the chaos. See more about my favorite planner and my current writing rhythm here.
A blank journal: I need white space to pour all my wild thoughts, artsy doodles and life reflections into. This space provides me a safe canvas to help make sense of what's going on in my mind.
A positive and uplifting book: I always need access to a few good books in my home to grab and read whenever I feel my mind is slipping into a fearful and negative headspace. A few favorites for me is The Power of Now, The Gratitude Diaries, and A Year of Positive Thinking.
Walking outside: The simple act of going for a walk has been such a healing practice for me and it seems to work instantaneously. Taking time even to step outside and look at the trees or birds does so much good for my patience bandwidth.
Music: Blasting some jams or playing them mildly in the background helps put my soul in such a lovin' and free-spirited groove. My favorite current Pandora stations are Chill Music, Glass Animals and Capital Cities.
Sipping a beverage in a cozy or sexy cup: I know this practice may seem a little strange, but for me aesthetics matter when it comes to creating the mood I want. If I'm drinking something warm (like frothed organic coffee or bone broth) I use one of my favorite ceramic mugs. If I'm feeling something cold to sip (like kombucha, sparkling water with lemon or a cocktail) then I use one of my coupe cocktail glasses, because they are sexy as shiz :). All in all, I 100% think the vessel (cup) matters just as much as the beverage you want to savor.
My bold & bad-ass mama voice: You know that inner voice that's shouting deep inside our core of what we really need and want? Whether that's time to ourselves, stillness to rest, some solo space to just do whatever we freakin' want or maybe even not do. This is the time to practice my bold & bad-ass mama voicing, to speak up without guilt and communicate to my husband on what I truly need. This brave practice creates that sacred space that helps me refill my *cup* back up with grace, peace, and a whole lot of lovin'.
I would love to hear what's in your Mindfulness Toolkit these days?
Share your nourishment favs below or DM me on Instagram friend :)