The Power in Doing "Nothing"

The real "doing nothing" implies inner nonresistance and intense alertness.
There's magic brewing in the absence of doing.
There's invaluable work happening when you're doing absolutely "nothing".
Let's all make intentions in our day to schedule "nothing" - that's the greatest and most simplest task we could all do for ourselves to make our little world shine a bit brighter.
"Doing nothing" when you are in a state of intense presence is a very powerful transformer and healer of situations and people.
-Eckhart Tolle
In ancient China, the practice of wuwei, which is translated as "action less activity" or "sitting quietly doing nothing" was regarded as one of the highest achievements or virtues.
Here's my list and reminder of all the beauty doing "nothing" has brought into my life
a reset to the whole self (nervous system especially)
consciousness exploration
awareness of the beauty around us all the f*cking time
immense gratitude for being here
emotions arise to feel fully and process
listening to your body's unique vibrations and energy
deep breathing to a rhythm that's nourishing
reminder in the purpose in being alive
appreciating the little things, such as the smell of coffee, savoring the taste, the wiggle of leaves in the wind, watching birds chase each other, the journey of the clouds that day, the movement of your community and neighborhood, wildlife, the art hanging that your daughter made last week and so much more
a reminder of what's important and meaningful and what's bullsh*t getting in the way
the realm of peace and calmness that slowly emanates from your pores
permission for blissful thoughts to enter and vibrate through your whole body unapologetically
day dreaming of what you desire in life without guilt or shame
Be your own bad-ass advocate for what YOU need.
Reminder: I don't need permission to do *nothing*, I need your support.
Get your *nothing* on beautiful mama!