let's get weird.

HEY sexy mama,
I'm that happy weirdo that's most likely dancing in the street with her daughter to Glass Animals with her fanny pack on not giving a duck :)
I wasn't always this confident and comfortable getting my weird on. Over the past seven years I've been transforming like crazy.
​I loved my full-time profession as a teacher, but I felt BURNT OUT & unaligned.
I craved to live a life with more "balance" - to have my days filled with what I valued most.
I wanted to actually LIVE my days with vibrancy and enthusiasm, not exhaustion and overwhelm.
After seven years of slowing the f*ck down and getting crystal clear on my values I was able to let go of the excess BS weighing me down to create space for fun and nourishing rhythms to live a life with more vibrancy: mind, body and soul.
Now I'm able to show up a more fully present and well nourished version of me to create more moments with family, and most importantly, have the time and energy to pursue things that light up my soul (give me that *zing* feeling).
I’m honored to be able to share my messy and beautiful journey in this internet space (as well as my podcast) to inspire other bad ass mamas to make space for their unique nourishment through the beautiful mess I call life.
I’m here to spread the message that no matter what chaos or mess you're swimming in this season...MAMAS
So STOP SETTLING, and start nourishing.
Want the long, juicy & extremely detailed story?
I went from an overwhelmed mama, working a full-time job, spending most of my time either working or commuting to and from work, soothing "boredom" with shopping mindlessly, living a busy & rushed life, with little space for what I wanted >> to now an empowered, bad ass mama who lives my most on purpose and intentional as hell life.
let's start my journey when...
my main squeeze (Nick) and I bought our house together in 2015, which by the way was FREAKIN’ AMAZING! This beautiful home happened to be the large family house that I grew up in. At the time, I lived in it with her mom and sister. Not really conscious of what that all meant, Nick moved his things in seamlessly and the physical and mental chaos slowly started making itself present.
This home was everything a married couple could dream about. It was in a safe neighborhood, had multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, a spacious backyard, a huge garage, and a lovely master bedroom. But, it also came with A SHIT TON OF STUFF.
When most couples start living together, they begin with a blank slate or an empty canvas so to speak. But, we were definitely not starting from scratch. We were inheriting an already FILLED TO THE BRIM home.
Again, we were SO GRATEFUL to be able to own a home, but it still didn’t negate the feelings of stress and anxiety the house was bringing us both as individuals and as a couple. We never realized that owning SO MUCH STUFF could make us feel so unhappy and overwhelmed.
Shouldn’t I feel happy as hell with having ALL THE THINGS?
Slightly desperate to find a solution to help lessen the physical and emotional burden we were experiencing, we discovered a different way of living. Even though this way of living seemed against the grain of mainstream society, it felt so damn good y'all.
This way of living has many names, such as minimalism, intentional living and simple living. The name of this lifestyle is really of little importance, it’s the juice from this beautiful *lemon* that's the REAL GOLD.
Over the last seven years we committed ourselves to INTENTIONAL LIVING as a way to identify what brings value to us, to strip away the excess and to lessen the overall chaos that seemed to be overtaking our lives.
This was an ongoing process that was constantly being refined, reevaluated and readjusted, because as we all know, LIFE IS UNPREDICTABLE and always changing.
Our intentional living journey was really put into OVERDRIVE when we decided we were ready to grow our family. After one year of attempted baby-making we had ZERO SUCCESS. We sought out the help of professionals and started the rollercoaster ride of our infertility journey.
We thought the whole process of making a baby would be easy and quite romantic, just like the rom-com movies portray it to be. But the universe had other plans for us, because that was NOT OUR STORY.
During this infertility journey I endured a sh*t storm of emotions and much of my time was decided for me. My "free time" was replaced with frequent doctor visits, tons of blood tests, a surprise fibroid tumor surgery, weeks of post-surgical healing, as well as those lovely baby-making injections that Nick gave me EVERY NIGHT at 6 p.m.
The long and stressful struggle of trying to create a baby made me stop to look at my life from an aerial view, and to pivot even more with how we were living our life.
Yes, the physical stuff had been simplified, but the mental, social and emotional aspects of our lives was more CHAOTIC than ever. My days were FAST-PACED AND BUSY AS HELL, which made me feel unenthusiastic about my day to day. This is when both my husband and I made the decision to live with even MORE INTENTION AND PURPOSE.
We started to make little changes everyday. We began paying close attention to how we were spending our time, the stuff we put in our bodies, the people we surround ourselves with and the types of activities we said "yes" to.
We began paying close attention to how we were spending our time, the stuff we put in our bodies, the people we surround ourselves with and the types of activities we said "yes" to.
To put it simply, we started questioning everything...
what do we value?
how do we want to spend our days?
what lights us up?
We've taken many, many micro action steps over the years (definitely didn't happen overnight) to feel more aligned to our true selves, and we have to say that we’re living HAPPY AS HELL because of them.
By the way, we were finally successful with conceiving our first baby after two and a half years of infertility treatments. WOOP WOOP!
My daughter Lucille is a big reason for the amazing life I'm truly living today. She is the reason I strive everyday to live with purpose, intention, and to not spend any of my precious time and energy on BS that gets in the way of what really matters.
Following our fun, making time to nourish ourselves, and letting go of the excess that was getting in the way of what we valued has allowed me and my family to truly live the life we’ve always dreamed about, but never thought was possible.
We feel more vibrant, happier, more loving and kind parents, living debt-free, traveling more, and experiencing all the things that lights our souls on fire. Bottom line, WE ARE LIVING LIFE THE WAY WE WANT!
My mission with this tiny internet platform is to share my experiences with you, the vulnerable ones, the beautiful ones and the hard as hell ones that have led me to living a happier and more intentional life.
So, let's raise a coffee mug, a wine glass or cocktail...
cheers to embracing the chaos and nourishing ourselves intentionally along the way.
grateful you're here,​