Boundary Bookends
Updated: Aug 5, 2022
if I don't draw the line, then someone else will do it for me.

“Boundaries are your life line. They secure space for your needs."
Boundaries are a vital component in motherhood, at least in my experience. They are constantly evolving and changing as we grow and as our kid(s) grow. I definitely carried a ton of GUILT at first when wanting to plan and make time for myself. Is this selfish? Is this too much time to take for myself? Am I being fair to my partner? These type of thoughts were weighing me down from taking action- I felt stuck. So I decided to LET THAT SH*T GO. Making space to nourish a part of ourselves is one of the best things in the world we can do for our family. I've stumbled upon (gratefully) and now intentionally make space for what I like to call BOUNDARY "BOOKENDS" - basically my life line to showing up a more present and patient human. I define BOUNDARY "BOOKENDS" as the nourishing practices I do to start my day and to end my day.
START OF MY DAY: I wake up and create space to...
scrape my tongue
drink a large cup of water
make my bed (and Lucille's bed)
put away dishes in the kitchen (start with a clean kitchen slate)
make a cup of french press coffee with frothed heavy whipping cream
write in my planner/journal: One thing I'm grateful for that day and why.
write in my planner/journal: My TOP 3 things I want to accomplish that day.
optional: write in my journal what's in my headspace that day (thoughts, feelings, dreams, ideas, etc.)
The middle of my day is a beautiful mess filled with work, play, cooking, outdoor time, cleaning, spontaneous adventures and rest (when I can). END OF MY DAY: Before I go to bed I create space to...
brush my teeth and floss
wash my face
snuggle in bed
write in my planner/journal: 3 ways I had FUN that day
write in my planner/journal: 3 ways I was GIVING that day
write in my planner/journal: How did I NOURISH all 3 parts of me that day: mind, body and soul?
write in my planner/journal: One thing I could do BETTER next time
optional: Read pages out of a current book I'm excited about (usually something uplifting, light and easy to read)
I think we overcomplicate creating boundaries because our mind gets in our way. We convince our inner-selves that we don't need time or there's not enough time to nourish ourselves...but really it's the most simplest act of love we should and can do for ourselves. Creating boundaries is making a commitment to get to know ourselves every single day, to make it a habit of setting aside small chunks of time to nourish ourselves, just like we do for our family. Curious, what boundaries are nourishing you in this season? uplifting you through the messy, Jillian