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  • Boundary Bookends

    if I don't draw the line, then someone else will do it for me. “Boundaries are your life line. They secure space for your needs." Boundaries are a vital component in motherhood, at least in my experience. They are constantly evolving and changing as we grow and as our kid(s) grow. I definitely carried a ton of GUILT at first when wanting to plan and make time for myself. Is this selfish? Is this too much time to take for myself? ​Am I being fair to my partner? These type of thoughts were weighing me down from taking action- I felt stuck. So I decided to LET THAT SH*T GO. Making space to nourish a part of ourselves is one of the best things in the world we can do for our family. I've stumbled upon (gratefully) and now intentionally make space for what I like to call BOUNDARY "BOOKENDS" - basically my life line to showing up a more present and patient human. ​I define BOUNDARY "BOOKENDS" as the nourishing practice​s I do to start my day and to end my day. WHAT ARE MY BOUNDARY "BOOKENDS" IN THIS SEASON OF LIFE? START OF MY DAY: I wake up and create space to... scrape my tongue drink a large cup of water make my bed (and Lucille's bed) put away dishes in the kitchen (start with a clean kitchen slate) make a cup of french press coffee with frothed heavy whipping cream write in my planner/journal: One thing I'm grateful for that day and why. write in my planner/journal: My TOP 3 things I want to accomplish that day. optional: write in my journal what's in my headspace that day (thoughts, feelings, dreams, ideas, etc.) The middle of my day is a beautiful mess filled with work, play, cooking, outdoor time, cleaning, spontaneous adventures and rest (when I can). END OF MY DAY: Before I go to bed I create space to... brush my teeth and floss wash my face snuggle in bed write in my planner/journal: 3 ways I had FUN that day write in my planner/journal: 3 ways I was GIVING that day write in my planner/journal: How did I NOURISH all 3 parts of me that day: mind, body and soul? write in my planner/journal: One thing I could do BETTER next time optional: Read pages out of a current book I'm excited about (usually something uplifting, light and easy to read) I think we overcomplicate creating boundaries because our mind gets in our way. We convince our inner-selves that we don't need time or there's not enough time to nourish ourselves...but really it's the most simplest act of love we should and can do for ourselves. Creating boundaries is making a commitment to get to know ourselves every single day, to make it a habit of setting aside small chunks of time to nourish ourselves, just like we do for our family. ​Curious, what boundaries are nourishing you in this season? uplifting you through the messy, Jillian

  • I need more space

    It's not time I need, it's space. “It's not time I crave - it's space.” I realized that while living a very rushed and busy lifestyle my body craved something different. At first I thought it was time. Time to myself, time with my family, time to be bored, time to play, etc. But after much exploration I have found that it wasn't time I was craving, it was SPACE. Space to flow. Space to grow. Space to rest. Space to explore. Space to BE. Space may seem empty, but it's actually filled with your unique music and vibrational frequency. And that frequency needs room to breathe, move, play and thrive. Space is a portal, an opening to learning more about YOU - like a map of unknown places and roads ready for you to discover about yourself. Space gives you permission to soak in all the messy blissfulness you discover about yourself. If you feel overwhelmed, over stimulated, exhausted, worried, anxious, or fearful.... it may be because there's too much clutter in your life and not enough space. Declutter your internal and external world to give yourself more SPACE. Remember, your unique music needs space to flourish and run f*cking wild. :) uplifting you through the messy, Jillian

  • Follow the fun

    Fun is the most meaningful work we will ever do. “I'm having fun. I'm being myself. I'm doing what I love. That's all that matters." ~ James Charles The act of having fun is simple, but the art and meaning of fun is beautifully complex. As we grow older, many of us were told and shown the narrative that life is serious, full of responsibility and is measured by your financial success or status. What wasn’t emphasized or encouraged as we grew older was to KEEP FINDING FUN. The simple act of inserting fun, or interacting with those things that light you up, is what drives us to find purpose, joy and the love to live out our lives with vibrancy! Fun is directly connected to our values and what makes our lives feel more meaningful. I define fun as this cosmic entity of what excites you, intrigues you, what gives you goosebumps or just that feeling of HELL YEAH that sounds rad. One of the greatest things about having fun is that you're rarely worried about the outcome (your overall expectations are low), because having fun is like one big exciting experiment. Realizing that this is the norm about fun has given us permission to keep searching for the fun. If you feel that you need some type of permission from the universe to insert more fun in your life, then please consider this your invitation to start finding your fun and to start investing in it as much as you can. 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO FOLLOW YOUR FUN 1. If you say you want to try something fun, then follow through with the idea. Literally stop what you're doing and PLAN for the fun! ​ 2. Write down one fun thing you want to do each day and make it happen. 3. Say “no” to the things that don’t sound fun, without guilt or fear of what others may think. Harder than it sounds, but this step is golden! 4. Reflect after you have fun to consciously notice all the good that came from that experience. Did you meet new people? Did you develop a new skill? Did you realize you were braver and bolder than you thought? 5. Communicate your version of fun with others you care about so they understand what you value and what direction you're headed towards. The wild thing about once you start to find the fun and make it a habit, the fun starts to find you. Check out more about our real life experience on our podcast, Simplified Khaos, Episode: 133 Following the Fun! living out my fun, Jillian

  • Savor my dear

    stop.pause.and take it all in mama. savor my dear Savor my dear, Relish in each now, as it is deliberate work that our souls were born to do. Savoring the moment is ABSOLUTELY an act of nourishment. It's the most "productive" and natural work we are here to do. But we have to be willing to savor, as it is action we've been programmed to forget. I think it's time we remember what we were born to do, don't you? HOW I'M CHOOSING TO SAVOR THIS SEASON... fully commit to a slower pace create space for stillness and rest release thoughts of "productivity" and external expectations take notice of my environment and what comes up surrender and let the moment envelope me willingly find joy and purpose right as I am ​ and to BE ALL THERE for as long as I need to be. ​Curious, how are you savoring this season? ​uplifting you through the messy, Jillian

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