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The Power in a Solo Retreat

Writer's picture: Jillian KoscielniakJillian Koscielniak

Soak in an intentional oasis and let the love and light back into your being...oh hell yesss!

I recently had a solo retreat. An adventure to a new city, in a new space with all of me, myself, and Jillian.

When planning this retreat I was both terrified and exhilarated. The thought of me driving 4 1/2 hours to a city I knew little about, staying in an Airbnb by myself and exploring without an agenda for two days seemed like such a wild idea.

Naturally, my mind (my ego) wants to protect me from all that is new, different and out of the norm.

So all of the debilitating what if questions popped in my head...

What if I get lonely?

What if something terrible happens while I'm there?

But then I asked myself two empowering questions:

What would happen if I didn't go?

What growth would I be stifling if I chose to stay "safe"and comfortable?

This retreat was planned with the purpose to detach from all the roles I play, dive into the beautiful unknown and reconnect with my own needs of curiosity, play and pleasure.

I've found it difficult to nurture specific needs when you're always playing a role.

And I've said *yes* to many roles in life; friend, wife, mother, provider, listener, educator, lover, etc.

It feels empowering to detach from these roles every so often to find pleasure without others' expectations or agenda.

A solo retreat gave me space to soak in and savor all the *whimsically weird* inside of me.

I came home after my solo retreat not looking any different on the outside, but damn did I feel different on the inside.

I felt a new sense of strength in my vibration...a glow-up in how I show up.

Peter McWilliams once said, “Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort. Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it's a small price to pay for living a dream."

I highly recommend a getaway with yourself, there's only expansion on the other side.

rooting for you :)



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