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How we manifested our dream property // PART 2

Writer's picture: Jillian KoscielniakJillian Koscielniak

You're allowed to want more.

Our dreams didn't really GET REAL until Nick and I took time to microdose a specific type of plant medicine together. This is honestly something I never thought we would make plans to do as a couple, but life has a funny way of placing things in your path for you to explore and try.

So, Nick and I dropped off Lucille at a friend's house and we had five beautiful hours to journey together with specific intentions. During our journey I had this very clear realization that I was outgrowing our current living situation. Not outgrowing the house itself, but the space/property we owned as a whole. I wanted more land, more privacy, more space to play, connect, be surrounded by mother nature, and to invite others to do the same.

I pulled out a large poster-size paper we had stored in our closet and asked Nick if we could dream doodle together. We each grabbed a marker and took turns drawing what we dreamed of next for us. We still have this dream doodle (folded up in a safe place) to remind us of that moment when we took time to dream without limits together. We ended our microdosing date with a long walk around our community and reflected on our experience.

That is around the time we had officially decided that we were going to sell our house and search for our dream property. We were both terrified, but in the most exciting way possible.

Next, we took action to find support. I had found and connected with an amazing realtor and now dear friend. She met with us, led us on a guided meditation that encouraged us to tap in deeper to what we wanted in our next house and property.

She gave us next steps in the process of both selling and buying, and her guidance helped simplify the journey tremendously. We decluttered our house ruthlessly, repainted walls, took down personal photos, paid for a deep cleaning of our house and let our realtor (and her amazing team) do their magic in staging our house.

We sold our home in less than a week, and received a top dollar offer with the ability to stay in our home a few months (for free). Looking back, selling our home seemed to be the easier part of the journey, as we had no idea the rollercoaster ride the buying journey would take us on.

Searching and buying our next home was way MORE STRESSFUL than I had expected. In the beginning we were very excited, as anyone would be. There were lots of houses on the market to explore and see in person.

But honestly, we were kind of all over the place.

We had a clear vision of what our dream property would look like, but had little clarity on the exact city or area where we wanted to land.

Over the next couple of months we visited and saw many, many houses.

We happened to find a house Nick and I really liked (for the first time). It was a brand new rancher on a couple acres of land. Sadly, the lot was configured in a strange way. It was surrounded by trees with no neighbors close by, but there was little space useable for a play scape, and other things we dreamed about. The price was just right, the house was beautiful, but the property and surrounding area wasn't exactly what we envisioned. It was also pretty far from the towns we loved to visit, which would make our commute to run errands and homeschooling adventures much farther away than we wanted.

We all went to see this house twice and were prepared to make an offer. On the ride home from the second visit we asked our daughter, "What do you think about this house Lucille?" She said point blank, "This doesn't feel like home, and I want to see people."

I think Nick and I both took deep exhales together in the car after she said that, because we both felt the same deep down. If we picked this house, we would be settling.

We realized that we were both feeling impatient and mentally exhausted, and would have to surrender more to this process if we wanted to find what was TRULY for us.

So with the help of Lucille's intuition, we pivoted our search to look in areas with more people (in neighborhoods), and would sacrifice our desire for privacy and acres of land. This was a compromise we would be willing to make so Lucille felt good in our next home.

And so the journey continues...

Stayed tuned for the finale of our story in part 3 :)





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