8 Rules for Living Intentional-ish

"Rules" is not usually my favorite choice of word to use when writing or speaking, but in this case I feel it best describes the power in creating strong & loving boundaries with how we intentionally show up each and every day.
8 Rules for Living Intentional-ish
1. Set a clear direction, not an outcome.
Take time to write down what you value. This will serve as an incredible guide when it comes to things you say "yes" to and things you say "no" to. This type of *planning* helps you align the life you want to your every day actions.
2. Surround yourself with uplifting energy.
What you consume and the environment you choose has a direct correlation to what you create in the world. Surround yourself with all the things that light you up, books, podcasts, art, decor, smells, sounds and most importantly, amazing humans. Let's practice uplifting your vibration, not stifling it.
3. Be willing to pivot and get creative.
Things won't always go as predicted. When life gets wildly unknown, be prepared to open yourself up for what life places in front of you. Plan B, Plan C or even Plan D may be exactly the path intended for you, so allow it to flow through you. Life is meant to flow, not be forced.
4. Enjoy the messiness.
I think we all know by now that the journey of life is messy. But life feels more aligned when we choose fun during the process. Our focus is more meaningful when we are fully in the Now (present in the highs and lows), and not on the outcome. Enjoy the process of what's happening at this very moment and watch how magically it all unfolds.
5. Waste as little as possible.
Choose and use things purposefully. Wait a bit before impulsively investing in what you want (or think you want) to bring into your world. When we have less and invest intentionally, we open ourselves to more creativity and joy.
6. Nothing is fixed.
Life is unpredictable, and we have little control over the events that happen for us. Waking up every morning with a mindset that "life is the dancer and I am the dance" will help bring a sense of ease to what unfolds. It leaves life open for unexpected adventures, new challenges (growth) and a whole world of beauty to discover and savor.
7. Sharing is caring.
There is a lovely relationship between what we give and what we receive. The more we include others, the more smoothly things will flow and the more easily opportunities will come to us. The New Radicals sang some true words, "we only get what we give."
8. Put chaos to bed every evening.
Chaos shows up in bits and pieces in our day to day. It's up to us to lay that shiz down to sleep before resting our heads. Make sure to *tidy up* whatever feels heavy for you each night, so you can awaken to a fresh start and a whole lotta light!
Is there a "rule" you would add to this list? Would love to hear your thoughts below :)