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Poems to Hone Your Weird & Give Less Fux

Writer's picture: Jillian KoscielniakJillian Koscielniak

a collection of poems to remind you of how powerful your unique energy is to the world ~


before you subscribe to one more external output,

have you fully subscribed to your own beautiful weird?

have you engaged in connecting deeply with the inner content ruminating inside your body?

have you invested time, money and energy in loving all of your own juiciness that is waiting to be released?

the best lifetime subscription available right now has been with you all along.

she's been waiting patiently for you to hit the subscribe button and GO ALL IN.

so how about we stop convoluting our precious vibration with yet another distraction and instead cannonball boldly into subscribing to what makes you YOU!

+ BREATHE my friend +

and with each deep breath I let them go.

to drift away and fall where they may,

the fears, the guilt, the expectations my mind creates.

I feel renewed with each inhale and come closer back to me with each exhale,

and the day seems so much brighter with each breath I notice.

keep breathing slowly my friend.


the wrinkle, the crinkles, the freckles, the moles,

the creaking bones and tummy rolls,

my outer exterior may show my years,

but my inner *weirdo* has bought into love not fears.


it's not what we do, it's how we fill the space.

the details of events, actions and things matter little when compared to the vibe that's emitted.

it's about the vibration we embody, carry and release that makes a profound impact on the people and the world around us.

focusing on our own weird vibe seems to be where most of the magic happens.

how we decide to show up and fill up the space is the gift that keeps on giving.


relax into the unknown,

soak in the now and savor the path that leads to what will be.

feel the bumps,

embrace the chaos.

inhale the goods you encounter mindfully,

and exhale your vibration fully if able.

the magic already surrounds you.

slow down,

and relax into it.



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