Invisible Learning
Updated: Jun 17, 2022

Learning is better caught than taught.
The beauty in unschooling is allowing growth and development to flow naturally. Allowing space and grace for the learner to truly soak in the full experience as he/she explores the world.
From twelve years of teaching public elementary education I have witnessed time and time again that the most meaningful lessons don't come from a lesson plan, they come from the natural ebb and flow of real life.
I recently attended a homeschooling convention and found a sweet, sweet gem in a giant sea of used curriculum and homeschooling things. I found and bought a gently used game of Candy Land for $1.06.
As some parents were walking away with rolling carts of books, curriculums, math tools and science gadgets...I'm proudly holding a single game of Candy Land and walking blissfully to the checkout line.
Want to know what my daughter learned playing Candy Land ?
how to take turns
how to follow instructions
how to focus
practice one-to-one correspondence
practice counting and math skills
how to lose and be a "good sport"
how to celebrate others
how to persevere
how to get along with others
exposure to board game layouts and designs
the joy in playing games with loved ones
...and so much more.
I've found that the best learning experiences don't look anything like "school"- they look like having fun and living life.
Want to hear more about this topic? Check out our podcast episode 162 all about education!