We're Unschooling!

"It's less about what they know and all about loving who they are."
Unschooling is the direction we've chosen to educate our daughter because it aligns to our values. This type of education gives us more freedom, more choices, more space and most importantly, more quality time to be with our daughter.
Unschooling is a dance of ups and downs, much like life.
There's something pretty magical about choosing an education that directly correlates to the natural rhythm of life.
We choose NOT to have our daughter be force-fed a curriculum, a restricted schedule, endless amounts of assessments, limited exploration time outdoors and have her "caged" in a particular setting that restricts her body and mind to move wildly.
We DO choose to embrace her innate curiosity and help foster her growth with the natural flow of life, rather than against it. We choose to be her teacher, her co-learner and friendly guide as she takes ownership in her education.
We believe...
the foundation of any education should be a relationship built on unconditional love.
there should be a huge space in education to learn about ourselves, to cultivate self-awareness and self-realization. Ongoing practice on how to listen to our inner voice and how to trust our instincts, needs, wants, feelings, vibration, energy, boundaries, fears, dreams, etc.
it's vital to learn the practice of kind and open dialogue with ourselves and each other.
we should be curious always, and foster the unknown path that unfolds as we follow that curiosity.
being in nature is a non-negotiable. Make time to observe, explore and discover the beauty in the miracles all around us.
mistakes are golden- it's proof we're growing and evolving. The process should be celebrated more than the outcome.
weird is great! Embracing our weird and unique differences is our true gift to release boldly into the world.
there's one world, not separate worlds. There's not a kid's world and a parent world, but our world to explore together.
If you want to hear more about our unschooling journey, definitely check out my monthly letter!
More "formal" reflections about unschooling to come on the blog as we evolve and experiment together :).