My #1 Rule to a Simplified Wardrobe
Updated: Aug 5, 2022

I know with less choices I am a much happier and calmer human. This is why I needed to find a solution to my closet and clothing chaos.
I HAD TOO MANY CHOICES IN MY WARDBOBE! AHHH! Does this wadrobe struggle speak to you too? The great news is that I found a solution to this mental, emotional and physical chaos. I decided the best way for me to streamline my clothing and stress would be to create a rule.
A rule that was a well thought-out and intentional plan to make me feel hella happier.
A rule that allowed me to be a better wife, mama, and overall human being.
I created a wardrobe rule that is super simple.
The one RULE I follow is...
Yup, that's it! I realized that after all of the clothing challenges I had done in the past, such as The 10 x 10 Challenge, The Reverse Hanger Method and The Last 14 Experiment, that all of these challenges had something in common. All of the clothes I had worn during these challenges were only the clothes that made me feel 100% both CONFIDENT & COMFORTABLE. Not 60% or 80%, but 100 freakin' percent! Bottom line...I was rewearing the same v-neck cotton shirts, the same high-waisted pants, the same denim shorts, and the same dresses over and over again because I felt like a freakin' badass in them.
I felt sexy and comfortable at the same time which enabled me to be the best version of me all the time. Well, most of the time. The clothes I had that were untouched and weren't being worn were because I didn't feel 100% confident and comfortable wearing them. It was really that simple. Think about a piece of clothing you own that you haven't touched or worn in a LOOONNNNG time.
Why haven't you worn it?
Most likely the answer is because either it only serves one purpose, meaning you can only wear it for one occasion, OR because there is something about it that doesn't make you feel 100% sexy and comfy as hell. BAM!
"Don't settle for less. Find wardrobe items that align to your beautifully chaotic life and allow you to show up sexy and comfy as hell, no matter what season."
Let's start livin' happier and spread these good vibes to others so that we are all feeling lighter and less stressed during our days and sexier than ever in our clothes. Dressing my body by following this ONE RULE has made my mind, body and soul feel so much lighter and happier, seriously. If you are tired of the struggle and stress of a cluttered and chaotic closet, then take action and try following this one rule. What do you have to lose? My husband and I chat in way more detail about Simplifying Our Wardrobe on our podcast episode 157 if you want to join the conversation!
Please share how your days have been simplified using this one wardrobe rule (you can use the hashtag #1rulewardrobe on Instagram). I would love to see how you're applying it to your unique life :)
hugs friend.